Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Went for a 5k yesterday, almost hit the 30 min mark. Sigh, haha. All these runner's blogs who I read, and they do it in like 18 mins!! Almost double!! How??? That is insanely fast. Granted, if I could lose these stubborn kilos I'd probably knock a few minutes off... but only a few...

Anyway... shins are still a little tender. Weight still staying much the same...

Hmm. Not really that much to report actually. It was so so so so cold this morning at boot camp, and I don't deal well with the cold. My hands were so freezing they were hurting, and I just couldn't deal!! We had fake rifles, and they were icy as... instead of doing squats with the "rifle" above my head I would be rubbing my hands together, or when we were supposed to run with it above our head, I held it at my waist with my hands tucked into my jacket... consequently probably a pretty shitty workout but my hands reaaaaally hurt... I'm such a woos haha. Oh well, I made up for it with my run yesterday, because it was a decent pace... kinda still feeling it this morning anyway which may have also affected my performance. Sigh. Tomorrow a "rest" day, with my walk to the train station, and Friday back at boot camp... this weekend I'm thinking a nice swim and some yoga might be in order. I miss my swimming! And yoga is needed for the sore legs...

Wow I'm boring myself... so I'll end this.